1040 Client Organizer Forms Personal Information General: 1040 Filing (Marital) Status: SingleMarried filing jointMarried filing separateHead of householdQualifying widow(er) Mark if you were married but living apart all year: Yes Mark if your nonresident alien spouse does not have an ITIN: Yes Taxpayer Spouse Social Security Number: First Name: Last Name: Occupation Designate $3.00 to the presidential election campaign fund? YesNoBlank YesNoBlank Mark if legally blind: Yes Yes Mark if dependent of another taxpayer: Yes Yes Taxpayer between 19 and 23, full-time student, with income less than 1/2 support? YesNo YesNo Date of Birth: Date of Death (if applicable): Work/daytime telephone number/ext number: Do you authorize us to discuss your return with the IRS: YesNo YesNo Present Mailing Address General: 1040, Contact Address: Apartment Number: City/State postal code/Zip code: Foreign country name: Foreign phone number: Home/evening telephone number: Taxpayer Email: Spouse Email: Dependent Information General: 1040 First Name & Last Name Date of Birth Social Security No. Relationship Months in home Care expenses paid for dependent Child and Dependent Care Expenses Credits: 2441 Provider information: Business name: First and Last name: Street address: City, state, and zip code: Social security number OR Employer identification number: Tax Exempt or Living Abroad Foreign Care Provider : Amount paid to care provider in 2021 Taxpayer Spouse Employer-provided dependent care benefits that were forfeited Advanced Child Tax Payments Credits: AdvCTC Taxpayer Spouse Advanced Child Tax Payments received (Letter 6419): July: August: September: October: November: December: Next Economic Impact Payment (EIP)/Stimulus Payment Credits: Rebate Please provide all copies of Notice 1444-C that you receive. Look up your EIP3 amount by creating or viewing your IRS online account at https://www.irs.gov/payments/view-your-tax-account Taxpayer Spouse Economic impact payment(s) 3 (EIP3) received: Mark if taxpayer or spouse, if married, was member of US Armed Forces in 2021: Yes Salary and Wages Income: W2 Please provide all copies of Form W-2 that you receive. Below is a list of the Form(s) W-2 as reported in last year's tax return. If a particular W-2 no longer applies, mark the not applicable box. T/S Description Prior Year Information Mark if no longer applicable Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Pension, IRA, and Annuity Distributions Retirement: 1099R Please provide all copies of Form 1099-R that you receive. Below is a list of the Form(s) 1099-R as reported in last year's tax return. If a particular 1099-R no longer applies, mark the not applicable box. T/S Description Prior Year Information Mark if no longer applicable Yes Yes Yes Yes Schedules K-1 Income: K1, K1T Please provide all copies of Schedule K-1 that you receive. Below is a list of the Schedule(s) K-1 as reported in last year's tax return. If a particular K-1 no longer applies, mark the not applicable box. T/S/J Description Form Mark if no longer applicable Yes Yes Yes Yes Gambling Income Income: W2G Please provide all copies of Form W-2G that you receive. Below is a list of the Form(s) W-2G as reported in last year's tax return. If a particular W-2G no longer applies, mark the not applicable box. T/S Description Prior Year Information Mark if no longer applicable Yes Yes Qualified Education Plan Distributions Educate: 1099Q Please provide all copies of Form 1099-Q that you receive. Below is a list of the Form(s) 1099-Q as reported in last year's tax return. If a particular 1099-Q no longer applies, mark the not applicable box. T/S Description Prior Year Information Mark if no longer applicable Yes Yes BackNext Income Summary Below is a list of the forms as reported in last year's tax return. Please provide copies of all of the forms you received. To indicate which forms are attached, enter a "1" for attached in the field provided next to the Description. To indicate which forms are not applicable, enter a "2" for not applicable (N/A) in the field provided next to the Description. Otherwise, leave this field blank. Form T/S/J Description 1 = Attached, 2 = N/A Back